Free Personalized Tarot Reading – No Strings Attached

The Night Sun Tarot has been resonating with me quite powerfully as of late and is producing fantastic results! Recently the cards have been speaking to me in a very convincing way, urging me to try my hand at reading cards for others, even cold, merely by offering free tarot readings online. This is no small task! My readings are often extremely detailed, extremely personal and take a lot of time for me to write up. These are NOT canned readings with boiler plate text that a program assembles and spits out for you in hopes of getting you to buy something. These are personal readings, from a real intuitive reader and delivered to you personally (free of charge with no strings attached).

All you need to do is send an email to and tell me a little about yourself and the question you are interested in having read for you. The more you tell me about the specific problem or why you are asking about it the better! Knowing your astrological sign can help a lot sometimes as well. Based on what you tell me, I will work with the cards to do a personalized reading just for you. I will take a picture of the exact cards that were pulled for you and your question specifically and explain what they are communicating to me based on a combination of both intuitive reading and traditional card interpretations. All I hope for is that you will communicate back to me whether the reading seemed helpful, accurate or was off base. You are NOT required to respond back however as this is literally no strings attached.

All I believe is that someone out there was meant to see this post, respond to it, and get an answer they have been looking for. Will it be you?