If You Lie to Your Tarot Reader You Have Only Yourself to Blame

If you purposefully do not tell the whole story to your tarot reader when asking for a reading (i.e. withholding a piece of information you know would be helpful) or if you somehow are dishonest about your presentation of yourself or your motives, you have only yourself to blame if the reading is not entirely accurate. It is wise to view your relationship with your tarot reader as one of mutual trust. You should be honest with them and they in turn should be honest with you. I have done plenty of readings where the cards just don’t really speak to me or make any sense. Often times the meaning only comes clear later in the day or week and therefore I will not be dishonest with the person being read for and just make something up to satisfy their desire for an answer. Likewise if you are being read for, do not lie or hide something you are feeling when getting your reading. Let the reader know what you felt or what came to mind during the reading so both of you can discuss what that might mean. Even if your initial thought was, “Man this is all horseshit,” tell your reader! Deeper meaning or clarification can often be found by an open and honest dialogue.