I think I was first seriously intrigued about other religions outside of Christianity when I first heard of a strange little religion known as Zoroastrianism. It was in a Christian Bible commentary of all placed that I believe I first heard the theory that the “three wise men” of the Bible who came to visit the baby Jesus may in fact have been followers of Zoroastrianism. It was said that those who followed Zoroastrianism had a fascination with the stars and charting the movements in the heavens (i.e. the reason they were looking for the star when they did and knew to follow it) and some said they were responsible in part for the development of the modern zodiac.
Later in life when I got more interested in astrology, Zoroastrianism started popping up again, always with mentions of how the Zoroastrians had an extensive knowledge of the heavens and the movement of the planets and stars. I mention all this because in the Preface to the Zohar, it is pointed out that Kabbalists have long known secrets of our solar system well before modern science “discovered them”. It is claimed, for example that at a time when modern science and the “church” believed that the earth was the center of the universe, was stationary and that the sun and stars revolved around us, Kabbalists knew differently. The church would literally execute people as heretics for suggesting anything other than the “earth as the center of the universe” model and thus groups like Kabbalah had to remain hidden underground, hiding their secret teachings about the true movements of the stars and planets in allegories, parables and stories to keep their secret knowledge of how the solar system REALLY worked from the church for fear or being persecuted. In turn the church labeled the Kabbalah followers devil worshipers and occultists in an attempt to keep people from looking into their secret teachings.
For a while now I have come to understand that many ancient secret societies knew not only that we revolve around the sun (not the other way around) but also knew of and documented planets that have only been discovered by modern science in the past 100 years. In addition it is documented by some of these groups that we are not only revolving around the sun but also that our sun has a binary twin and that our two suns orbit around each other on a long elliptical orbit on the neighborhood of every 24,000 years or so. More and more science is starting to agree that things don’t make sense in the heavens based on our current model and are starting to come around to the notion that we may have a second sun. If this is ever officially acknowledge it will again be true that ancient secret societies (like Kabbalah) knew about this already but had to keep it secret out of fear of being put to death.
If you have any interest in seeing some of the fascinating proof that ancient sources have long been saying we are in a binary star system, check out the excellent book, “The Lost Star of Myth and Time”.