Will Things Ever Return to Normal?

I know I’m not alone with this one but I’m so OVER this covid crap. So many of the things I took for granted have been taken from me and now I’m feeling the depression that comes with just wishing things were a little bit like they used to be. And, I’m tired of people fighting over how we should or shouldn’t be responding to this. Some of the stories I’m reading about public confrontations over mask wearing are insane.


  • I’m mostly sticking to a routine of mornings in Seattle and afternoons teleworking as usual the past two weeks.
  • Getting approval to travel to Sequim to support the staff there is proving to be equivalent to an act of congress. No one seems to want to approve my trip even though there are systems that will stop functioning properly by the end of the month if someone doesn’t service them. Oh well, making that call is above my pay grade.
  • The Seattle office is still a virtual ghost town when I’m in the office even though I’ve been told about a quarter of the staff in our company are starting to work on campus again. Must all be in Richland I guess.


  • Rhonda and I hosted game night at our place the Saturday before last and more people showed up than anticipated. I think people are dying to get out and socialize.
  • I introduced the club to a new game for us called Horrified. It’s a cooperative game where players race against the clock to save a town and villagers from some of the famous historical monsters of all time like Dracula and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
  • A few of our game club members went camping together this weekend on some private property at a gated campground. It was really nice just hanging out (social distancing of course) in the great outdoors. However, I did come back with 20 mosquito bites on my legs and more on my ass, arms, back, neck, etc. I think they tend to feed on me more than anyone for some reason. I was told it was my O+ blood but several others had O+ blood and they weren’t attacked as much as me.

Spiritual or Philosophical

  • Recently I finished a book about Zazen meditation that was pretty good.
  • I miss it when I don’t do meditation in the mornings. It’s hard for me because I want to sleep in a little longer rather than get up to meditate but when I don’t meditate I miss it a lot.
  • I’m currently listening to an audio book titled The Secret History of the world which is also very interesting.