Release the Kraken!

It’s finally happened!!! The new Seattle expansion NHL team finally announced their team name on Thursday and thank goodness it was EXACTLY the name I was hoping for . In fact, despite the team saying many times that Sockeyes was the fan favorite nickname in early vote getting, I knew differently. Almost everyone I talked to loved the Kraken for the team name and everyone was posting online “Release the Kraken” for months. The team kept a tight lid on the announcement and delayed it many times saying it didn’t feel right amidst all the things going on in the news. But the team finally revealed the team name Thursday to a flurry of excited praise. Limited team merchandise went up for sale that same day and it has been reported that it’s selling faster than any expansion team in history. Even people on the east coast and in Canada are writing in telling Seattle fan pages what a great team name they have and how they are going to root for the Kraken as their second (or western conference) team.


  • At work on Thursday I had a small work injury and sliced open my little pinky on a piece of metal while trying to remove a battery from a laptop. It felt pretty deep and bled like a MF but doesn’t require any doctors visit thank goodness. Still, had to do a lot of calls and paperwork for reporting I got a cut at work.
  • Friday I had an all day class and learned some exciting things about Microsoft Power Automation that should make my job more enjoyable as I find ways to implement my new ideas.


  • Related to the Seattle Kraken NHL announcement, I contacted Xfinity to see about how much it would cost to add NHL channels to our current tv package. After all was said and done we ended up adding like 88 channels (including NHL Center Ice), went from 250mbps internet to 1 GB download speed and did that for less than we are paying now AND we cut our cell phone bill in half because Xfinity uses the Verizon network now and can port over our numbers and give us a better package for half the price. Super sweet!
  • I had to laugh the other day when I found this Associated Press article suggesting that archaeologists had discovered some ancient tools in North America that are nearly 30,000 years old thus indicating people lived her long before currently believed. The funny part is that they then note that archaeologist and scientist have found tools dated this old before but in the past have largely just ignored this sort of evidence as being too old to be true. Man I love the head-in-the-sand approach. If something doesn’t fit your established worldview, simply ignore it!
  • Rhonda and I played another session of Pandamic Legacy, Season 2 with our friends Shirley and Duane and lost AGAIN. Pandemic is really hard but we still enjoy the challenge.
  • Been watching a lot of protests live on lately. It is interesting to see what actually is happening in some places vs what gets reported (or not reported) in the news.
  • Lately there seems to be a new push to dismiss all conspiracy theorists as nut bags again. Not only is the news reporting on QAnon for the first time, but now they are trying to label the group a domestic terrorist organization despite lots of famous people apparently reading the information. I understand people don’t believe in conspiracies but labeling people as domestic terrorists for simply talking about the potential abuses of the rich and famous seems a dangerous abridgment of freedom of speech. Are we heading towards arresting people and labeling them terrorist for simply questioning their government? Seems like a REALLY bad precedence.

Spiritual or Philosophical

  • I got to go on a nice long road trip this weekend and listened to a lot more of my audio book “The Secret History of the World”. I wouldn’t really call is spiritual but it is certainly philosophical in nature and pretty interesting, if not a little dry.