Channeling and Mediumship, What is it and is it real?

Man with galaxy mind and gesturing hands
Man with galaxy mind and gesturing hands

For the longest time I’ve kept my personal opinions (and especially my own personal experiences) with channeling and mediumship to a bare minimum, choosing instead to share the gritty details with only a select few trusted individuals I can count on one hand. After all, saying that you can communicate with extra dimensional beings, entities, spirits, or even universal consciousness in any way is just not something I feel comfortable talking about over the water cooler at work or even among casual friends for whom I’m unaware of their religious or spiritual beliefs. However, as I am getting older I am appreciating more and more the sentiment, “who really gives a shit? You need to just be you.” So today, I’d like to share some personal experiences that have led me to believe in some form of channeling or mediumship as being very possible. It is also the introduction to my new “Channeling” category of blog posts.

Bumps in the Night

Everyone hears them, strange things that go bump in the night and keep us awake terrified at times that someone (or some THING) is in the house. Most of us experience this when we are children but we quickly grow out of it and become more “rational” as adults. Growing up, our well meaning parents repeatedly hammer into us over and over that it was nothing, that it’s all in our imagination, that there are no such things as ghosts, or monsters, or spirits and that it’s just something we need to ignore and go back to sleep. And I think for the most part, many of us do just that. We go back to sleep.

Most of us go through our entire adult lives sleeping, choosing to ignore the spiritual world all around us and disregarding any evidence of it as just that of an overactive, or childish imagination. We have all become conditioned to ignoring those things that go bump in the night (or things that skirt the edges of our conscious perception) because we have repeatedly been encouraged to do so as children. But for some of us, I guess we never really grew up because we still hear and see them…all the time.

It took me a long time to come to terms with my conditioning as a child. Growing up in a Christian household, for example, I was told that some of those noises were just my imagination but others may be the work of demons. This early conditioning made me terrified of anything I couldn’t explain as “just the house settling” or “just the wind”. When I would experience something totally unexplained to the rational mind, I would immediately conclude it was a demon and cower as I prayed to God to make it go away. Today I cringe at the thought of trying to drive the spiritual world away.

It’s no wonder then as an adult why it was so hard for me to accept that there could even be such a thing as good spirits, entities, or some sort of non-physical beings that were NOT actually evil. If it couldn’t be explained scientifically, it was evil and of the devil. Plain and simple. Looking back now I realize that some of the creepiest moments of my life were creepy only because I CHOSE to interpret it that way. Had I not been conditioned to view the supernatural as evil and scary from childhood, I might have come away from those experiences with entirely different feelings. I might describe the events that happened to me in the past in entirely different language.


As I grew older and wiser I decided to change my relationship with the spirit world (if it really existed) and decided to view and respond to it in a different manner. I had never actually been HURT by any sort of paranormal activity, I realized. Nothing had ever really touched me, certainly not in a harmful or painful manner. Why then should I fear it? Fearing something we don’t understand for no good reason seemed to me no longer rational. In fact, it sounded to me more like a phobia (an irrational fear) that could (and should) simply be overcome. That’s when I began to interact with the Mimics.

Mimics is a term I made up to explain a strange phenomenon that was starting to occur around me in my midlife years. You know how some people claim to hear footsteps in the house when no one is there? Or voices in another room when no one else is home? Those types of phenomenon continued to happen to me well into my adult years but rather than remain afraid of it, I became curious.

For me, my relationship to that type of phenomenon changed when I realized that the sounds I was hearing most often times were normal sounds one might hear in the house or whatever area I was in but were simply happening at a time when it was totally unexpected. It was as if someone (or some THING) was simply mimicking sounds that it had heard before. In any case, I became curious about it and wondered if perhaps it was some form of communication. Was something trying to get my attention? My response to it was, “I’m listening!”

Physical Mediumship

Still later in life I began to observe another strange phenomenon. To summarize a very long story, I realized that people around me tended to hear and see things when they were with me. Furthermore, often times these friends did not see or hear these types of things when they were not with me. Now yes, there are friends of mine who have seen and heard things on their own without me (and still do), but I realized also that many times I found people would ONLY experience these types of phenomenon when they were with or around me and even THEY thought that was odd.

I have a test that I still do around my friends and acquaintances whenever something odd or unusual happens around me (usually sounds but sometimes flashes of light or energy). I will remain very calm, very non-reactive to whatever it was we just heard or saw and I will simply ask something like this, “By the way, did you just hear anything right now?” Nearly every time the person with me will sort of seem surprised by the question, as if they hadn’t really thought of it and then will say, “Yes, I did hear something. ” I will then calmly ask them, “What did you hear?” And nearly 100% of the time they will describe to me exactly what it was I just heard myself. Finally, after they have described what they just heard I will point out the impossibility of that sound at that very moment and I will often see them be puzzled for a moment and agree that this “seems odd”. And then quickly we move onto something else and often never talk about it again. Let me give some examples.

A co-worker of mine was in my office (this one close enough to be called a friend) and while we were talking I heard what sounded like a water bottle or something fall over in the desk drawer beside me and start making a glug, glug, glug sound as if water were spilling out. Now I knew for a fact I didn’t have anything in that drawer and that the sound had indeed come from that specific drawer so I casually waited for the next break in the conversation and said, “Hey by the way, did you just hear anything strange just a moment ago?” My friend suddenly seemed surprised and said, “Yeah, sounded like something fell over in your drawer and is spilling. You better check that.” He was looking directly at the drawer I heard it in too. So I opened up all my desk drawers in front of him and showed him that I have nothing like that in my office anywhere. At that moment he simply said, “that’s weird” and we moved on with the conversation. It was years later when I wanted to confirm with him that he remembered that event as clearly as I did and only after reminding him of the story did he say,. “Oh yeah…that WAS weird.” I asked if he could explain it and he said no. And we went back to our conversation as if nothing happened again.

There have been many other events like this, even more dramatic. For example, one time my wife and I were watching a movie when we heard our dog scratching at the back door to come in. The sound was unmistakably him as he had done it dozens of times and we were quite accustomed to the sound. I remember calmly asking my wife that night, “Hey, did you hear that?” to which she replied, “Yeah, the dog wants in.” I had her describe the sound and she said she heard him scratching at the door. I then pointed out to her that our one and only dog is laying on the floor behind us, fast asleep. Well, that’s odd.

Another time I saw a ball of bright blue light about the size of a softball explode at the foot of our bed like a camera flash just went off. A little startled I asked my wife if she saw that. She was startled too as she described seeing a ball of light explode out in the hallway outside our bedroom. While we saw it in slightly different places, the fact was we both saw an exploding ball of light. I liken our disagreement over the location to two people both seeing the same car wreck. People frequently see and remember things slightly differently depending on their point of view and expectations. But one thing we agreed upon is, we both saw the flash.

I mention these stories because it is possible that the sounds and sights are always there but that most people simply ignore them or do not think about them until someone like me forces them to acknowledge it. Perhaps that explains why a friend doesn’t seem concerned to tell me water is spilling all over my office papers in my drawer until AFTER I make him aware that he heard it. Or maybe it’s like the alarm clock that your spouse sets to wake up 30 minutes before you do and you just stop hearing their alarm go off and sleep right through it. We simply start to tune it out. And yet, we can wake up to the sound of our own alarm when it goes of 30 minutes later. Or maybe…it’s evidence of physical mediumship.

In summary, a physical medium is believed to be a person with connections to the spiritual world in such a way that physical phenomenon happen around them often in the form of voices (I’ve got weird stories about that too), knocking, tapping, rapping, lights, etc that others around them can hear and see. And, its frequently the case that a person who has such a connection cannot control when and where it happens so they simply can’t “perform” on command as doubters would like.

Which brings us to the subject of channeling….


Is is believed by some that there are certain individuals that have a connection to the spiritual world in such a way that spirits, entities, universal consciousness, or whatever it is you call it, can be channeled through them and speak through them using their bodies as a form of physical connection to our physical world. These are often referred to as mental mediums or channels.

Now trust me, I too used to dismiss the possibility that people could channel non-corporeal spirits or entities (without being “possessed”) but you know what they say….I’ve seen shit!

In fact, one life changing thing I’ve seen is when my wife answered a question for me once. You see, I’ve come to believe after things like this that my wife has a connection to something she doesn’t quite understand. The first time I really saw it, I remember being in a very meditative and relaxed state and was having some very deep thoughts and questions about things when I asked a question on my mind out loud. It is hard to explain this but when I asked the question it didn’t feel like I was really asking my wife even though I was looking directly at her. After all, I knew she didn’t have the answer. It was really a rhetorical question anyway. But then suddenly my wife’s face changed and I saw what literally looked like an entirely different person or being looking out at me from behind her eyes. She literally glowed with an aura or something I had never seen before. Then, using her own voice, she answered my question, smiled at me as if giving me a knowing wink, and then whatever it was simply left her body. I was completely dumbfounded and even my wife seemed to be just as surprised as me as to what had just happened. I remember asking my wife later why she said those words to me that day and she told me that frankly she had no idea. It just seemed like the thing to say. I asked her to expound on this and she shocked me by saying she had a difficult to explain sensation as if light and a ton of information had just come into her head all at once and the words just came out. The words made no sense in light of the question and she had no idea why she said it or what it really meant. Believe me when I say, THAT will change you if you ever experience something like that.

As a follow on, a year or so later my wife and I were meeting a group of strangers at a local bar who were all interested in discussing consciousness and metaphysical type things. A woman came up to our table whom we had never met before and seemed to be hunkering down, extremely timid and looking like she was terrified to make eye contact with anyone for too long. Then suddenly, upon seeing my wife, her face lit up like a light bulb and her entire expressions changed. A huge smile came over her face and she said to my wife, “Oh! You channel, don’t you???” She then explained to us that she hears entities and would love to talk to us privately some day as she can see we have a connection. To this day my wife and I laugh about how weird that was and I remind her, she has some sort of connection she doesn’t understand. Unfortunately we still haven’t met with that woman again.

So where does this lead to now….

Abraham Hicks

Years ago I was introduced to the subject of the “Law of Attraction” through a popular little movie known as the Secret. It is highly produced and well worth the watch in my opinion even if it does seem to oversimplify a complex topic. Through this movie I was introduced to a person by the name of Esther Hicks who it is claimed is a mental medium who has a connection to a consciousness entity known as “Abraham”. In my younger years I would have (and did) blow something like this off and not give it a second thought…but like I said, I’ve seen shit.

The entity known as Abraham is described by Esther as a “group consciousness from the non-physical dimension” which, when she gets in a meditative and receptive state, speaks through her words of wisdom and answers questions anyone cares to ask in his presence. She has written a series of books (which basically are transcripts of questions and answers people have asked at her various sessions. And, when I read the words of Abraham as channeled through Esther Hicks I am frankly blown away. Regardless of whether or not the information is channeled, comes from another realm, or is just entirely made up by Esther who PRETENDS to be channeling Abraham, the message is at times life changing (at least for me). And so, it is my intention to now share with you via future blog posts at this site, some of the wisdom of Abraham along with my own thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Seth, Ra and Others

After I became more open to the idea of reading material “channeled” by others, I began to discover other so called entities such as Seth and Ra (La of One). Again, over the course of this blog I hope to share with you some of the collective wisdom of these others. It matters little to me whether or not Esther Hicks really does channel a being named Abraham or if Seth and Ra are real. It doesn’t even matter if some of the material seems flat out wrong or contradictory. The fact for me is that I’m open to listening and keeping what resonates with me. I hope some of it will resonate with you as well.

Stay open and awake!