In a previous article I laid out some of my personal reasons for tending to believe that certain people quite possibly have a connection to the spiritual, unseen or non-physical world. One such person I believe MIGHT just have such a connection is that of Esther Hicks, a woman who claims to have learned how to contact and channel a collection of entities known as Abraham. In this article I will briefly discuss how Esther came to be in contact with Abraham, what Abraham claims to be (through Esther), as well as my personal experiences that may validate or support her claims.
Is it a “Gift”?
Just the other night my good friend Rich, my wife, and myself were discussing the topic of channeling and mediumship and the question we were pondering was this: if channeling is real (and I would say none of us are entirely convinced that it is or isn’t), would a channel or medium be BORN with this connection, is it something they DEVELOP with practice, or is it a little of both? If I were to summarized the general consensus of our little group conversation I would say that we tend to believe it would be a little of both and I’d like to share a few examples of why.
I remember a few times over the course of my life when I exhibited what might be seen as a potential natural “gift” in areas that were considered taboo or forbidden to me as a child – specifically that of the Ouija board and Tarot cards. As a conservative Christian at the time, these items were considered to be “tools of the devil” by my parents (and the church) and I was warned repeatedly to never play around with them, not even once!
I didn’t listen.
I won’t bore you with all the details of WHY I did it but, I actually experimented with both the Ouija board and the Tarot as a young teen and would say that I exhibited some sort of natural connection to both mediums without any formal training. Not everyone, for example, feels the planchette of a Ouija board pull on it’s own accord and slide across the tabletop under the control of some unseen force. Many, many people touch a board and attempt it but never experience anything like I experienced. Others still might experience a subtle movement of the planchette but immediately convince themselves that it was a trick of their own overactive imagination and believe that they were actually pushing it. A few of us however have felt the very strong pull or tug of the planchette from under our fingertips, literally feeling as if it is trying to jump away from us and forcing us to move with it, following it along wherever IT wants to go in order to keep control. In my case, the planchette pulled entirely off the table and onto the floor – TWICE. It was as if something was saying “No! I don’t want to talk to you.” But the real question on my mind is why do some people experience this phenomenon and others do not? Is it a natural “gift”? A connection? Or something else?

Partly due to my fears of the Ouija board which were instilled upon me by my traditional Christian upbringing, and partly due to the feeling that the “board was telling me no”, I immediately dropped the whole Ouija board thing and didn’t touch it again for over 30 years. The next time I tried, the energy was gone, moving only VERY subtly and leaving me the impression that this time it could just be ME that was moving it. I have often wonder however what would have happened if I had taken encouragement from my first experience with the board. What if instead of being freaked out that the planchette had seemingly “jumped off the table,” I was instead excited and encouraged by the fact that the board actually responded to me and decided to explore further?
How Esther Discovered and Developed Her Connection
Somewhat like my aversion to the Ouija board, Esther Hicks related how she originally had a strong aversion to the idea of channeling (though she didn’t know exactly what that word meant at the time). When she first saw a picture of a woman by the name of Jane Roberts in a trance channeling what has now come to be known as the entity Seth, she was totally turned off. She wanted no part of that. It looked freaky and didn’t resonate with her at all. While her husband was open and receptive to reading the wisom of Seth, Esther wanted no part of it and asked her husband to keep all talk of it away from her. It’s funny how the world works when later on Esther herself would willingly be allowing the entities known as Abraham to enter her body in a similar way and speak through her.
It took Esther a while to develop her connection with Abraham. First it began with meditating 15 minutes a day and feeling an energy moving through her. This progressed to the energy causing her head to move involuntarily and giving her the sensation of love and peace and making her teeth buzz with energy and vibration. Soon she realized that her head was moving in such a way that her nose was actually tracing out letters of the alphabet in the air. At this point the entities known as Abraham began to respond to questions asked by her husband and she/they would answer them, spelling out each letter of the answer with head movements one painstaking letter at a time. Then one day, Esther claims, her fingers began to drum and move on their own and she felt the need to sit at a typewriter. Soon words began pouring out as her fingers as they seemingly moved on their own so quickly that her husband was fearful she was going to hurt herself. She was typing out words one after the other without punctuation, but they were clearly words. And then finally, when she had fully learned how to channel the energy, Abraham “breathed” inside of her and began to speak through her mouth.
I admit, all of this seems crazy and fantastical and most people would dismiss it as hocus pocus. Hell, even I dismissed it the first time I heard about it or watched Abraham speaking through Esther on YouTube. I just wasn’t sure and my skeptical mind didn’t want to give it any credence. But things changed for me and I’m glad I started to listen. Had Esther, like myself, went with her initial feelings toward channeling, we would never have meet Abraham. If, when she had first experienced the sensation of having something else “breath” her, she had freaked out, none of us would be hearing the words of Abraham for ourselves so we can make up our own minds about the matter.
Abraham Speaks, But Transmission is not Perfect
This then is how Abraham explained itself through Esther’s mouth as recorded in the Law of Attraaction:
“There are many of us here, and we are gathered together because of our current matching intentions and desires. In your physical environment, we are called Abraham, and we are known as Teachers, meaning those who are currently broader in understanding, who may lead others to that broader understanding.”
One thing I picked up on right away was the phrase, “we are gathered together because of our current matching intentions and desires”. There are several things I imply from this statement that resonate with me. First and foremost, the only way communication works when channeling is when BOTH the sender and receiver have matching intentions. While Abraham may only have been speaking about the “many of us here” who have matching intention, I believe it also refers to Esther as well. Unlike the concept of demonic “possession” (as I understood it in the Christian faith), these entities are not taking over their host against her own will. Had Esther resisted the connection, none of this would happen. The only way this works is when the receiver allows it and is in line with the intentions of the sender. Secondly, I keyed in on the word “current” and “currently”. This implies to me that the entities may not always speak through Esther but rather they are speaking through her currently (because their intentions match).
The last point I want to make today is the following statement by Abraham (as made through Esther):
“Esther receives our thoughts, like radio signals, at an unconscious level of her Being, and then translates them into physical words and concepts.”
If we take this at face value we must realize two important facts being conveyed. First, the communication is happening at an unconscious level and second, it is being translated by Esther into physical words and concepts that she can understand. To me, this means there is a margin of error. In fact, in the preface of the book it explains that at times Esther will use unusual and even made up words to convey a thought because there are no equivalent words in the English language to express the thought correctly. This is actually the same exact type of problem facing Bible translators who attempt to translate from Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then English. Some of the bridging languages have no word to convey the original Hebrew concept and thus sometimes the fuller meaning simply gets lost in translation.

If you remember earlier I admitted to having dabbled a little in Tarot card reading when I was a teen, something that was HIGHLY discouraged by my Christian upbringing. There were two primary reasons that I gave that up Tarot reading for over 30 years as well. One was a freaky mathematical anomaly that happened when I pulled a single significant card blindly from a 72 card deck and laid it in the same position of a 12 card spread in the same orientation (upside down), three times in a row. The odds against that statistically are VERY, VERY, VERY high. I remember the person I was reading for being just as freaked out as I was and backing away from me as if I were cursed. People tend to fear what they don’t understand.
But the second problem I discovered with Tarot was that of it’s subjective nature. When I was reading for a young friend of mine at school I began telling her a story of an old lady I was envisioning in a hospital room near death. This story was coming out of my own thoughts and images coming into my mind after looking at the cards and the meaning didn’t even remotely relate to the “official” meaning of the cards in front of me. I remember feeling as if I was sort of making this shit up and assumed she would cry bullshit, but to my shock (and dare I say hers as well) however, she assured me that I was accurately describing her sick and ailing grandmother who has been on her mind lately because she is afraid that she’s going to die. I remember her looking at me then as if there was something wrong with me and told me that I was “kinda freaking her out.”
Later I learned from reading more books and asking others who practice Tarot and they all agreed that’s how Tarot works. Its not the literal meaning of the cards that are so important but rather the story that they tell when put together and that story is a mixture of both the cards and the readers personal intuition. But how the hell was I going to explain that to someone scientifically minded? Furthermore, how can someone argue with me that my reading is wrong or right if it is all based on personal intuition? Besdies, many readings of Tarot do not make sense until months or even years later when the story seems to magically unfold in real life.
Where I’m going with all this is that for me, I’m giving Esther the benefit of the doubt. I understand from my own personal experience that what you think and feel is not a perfect translation. There is room for error. The proof in the pudding, as they say, is whether in the long run the facts are mostly correct. Will we ever be able to PROVE the things that Abraham spoke through Esther? Perhaps not, but the reality is that his/her words really resonate with me at times as spiritual truth and have allegedly changed thousands, if not millions of lives for the better by applying the principles taught. Regardless of whether the message comes from non-physical entities, Esther Hicks, or some sort of mixture of entities mixing with Esther’s own personal intuition makes little difference to me. What is important are the words and the message. I hope something will resonate with you too.