Ancient philosophers have long asserted the belief that there is an inseparable link between the seen and unseen world, between the physical and the non physical, and between the outer man and the inner man. This very old spiritual/philosophical teaching is perhaps best expressed today by the esoteric phrase, “As Above, So Below”. I therefore find it unsurprising to find this same spiritual/philosophical concept surface again in the more modern teachings of the so called collective group of entities known as Abraham (as channeled by Esther Hicks) and recorded in book “The Law of Attraction”.
Today, at the risk of boring you to tears, I’d like to briefly examine just a few of the words and teachings attributed to Abraham, which are totally in keeping with more ancient spiritual/philosophical wisdom teachings of other cultures from around the world (at least as I understand it). According to Abraham:
“…more than a mere introduction of Abraham to your physical world, this book will provide an introduction of the role of the Non-Physical in your physical world, for these worlds are inextricably tied together, you know. There is no way of separating one from the other.
Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks in “The Law of Attraction”
Of course “The Law of Attraction” did not actually introduce the world to the concept of “As Above, So Below”. This ancient spiritual teachings is probably most often attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, the creator of the philosophical school of Hermeticism. But regardless of who or where the teaching came from , I believe the spiritual teaching to be spiritually sound and worth serious consideration.
“As we are able to help you understand the existence of the Non-Physical realm from which we are speaking, we will thereby assist you in understanding more clearly who-you-are. For you are, indeed, an extension of that which we are.”
Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks in “The Law of Attraction”
This is something I too have come to understand and embrace in my own spiritual awakening. EVERYTHING is connected. You, me, the plants, the rocks, angels and demons, aliens or entities, all of it comes from the same single source energy and therefore we are all, at some basic level, one and the same thing. When you and I are talking to each other it is actually I having a conversation with myself in two different forms. By conversing with each other, I come to better understand myself. Likewise, if Esther Hicks channels a collective group of entities known as Abraham, it is actually SHE having a conversation with herself by employing two different forms of herself in an effort to better understand herself. One might say that she is communing with her higher spirit, or higher self but it’s all splitting hairs.
All of this teaching by Abraham (as recorded in “The Law of Attraction), I would argue, is a very eastern philosophical beliefsystem which is more in line with Buddhism or Hinduism than western philosophical belief systems like Judaism and Christianity. In my personal spiritual journey I have come to appreciate the philosophy of Buddhism and eastern religion more and more.
To further explain this concept, Abraham is recorded as saying:
“While you certainly are the physical Being that you see here in your physical setting, you are much more than that…You are actually an extension of NonPhysical Source Energy….We refer to the Non-Physical part of you as your Inner Being.”
Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks in “The Law of Attraction”
For me, this is the beginning of true wisdom, that you, me, and all of us are merely extensions or aspects of a non-physical source energy. But herein lies the real kicker….
“Physical Beings often think of themselves as either dead or alive…they sometimes acknowledge that they existed in the Non-Physical realm BEFORE coming forth into their physical body, and that, following their physical death, they will RETURN to that Non-Physical realm. But few people actually understand that the Non-Physical part of them REMAINS …in the Non-Physical realm while a part of that perspective flows into this physical perspective and their now physical body.”
Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks in “The Law of Attraction” [Bold/capitalized emphasis are my own]
For me, the big takeaway here to contemplate (and something relatively new to my understanding), is the understanding that we do not exist as one thing BEFORE being born as a physical entity on earth, nor do we RETURN to being something we once were only after the death of our physical body, but rather, we were and always have been existing in both realms at once. We have never left the spiritual realm nor do we technically return to it. We are living THERE now but we are also living HERE now. As Abraham said near the beginning of this post, our two selves are inextricably linked.
Coming to the understanding that YOU are not merely your physical body or vehicle living here in a physical realm at this specific moment in time but that you are ALSO living there, in the spiritual realm now and have always been there and will always be there, is the essence of being spiritually awakened in my opinion.
My favorite philosopher of all time, a so-called “Western Buddhist” by the name of Alan Watt’s once described this teaching as this:
“You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing. The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real, deep down you, is the whole universe….Everybody is I, you all you’re you…and wheresoever beings exist throughout all galaxies, it doesn’t make a difference. You are all of them and when they come into being, you come into being….and you know this very well.”
Alan Watt’s, Philosopher
This quote from Alan Watts struck me as so profound the first time I heard it and truly understood it for the first time that it practically changed my life. What was radical to me was realizing that this was not something Alan Watts taught me but rather something I had always known for myself and had simply forgotten for a while. Alan simply helped me to remember what I already knew very well in the core of my being. It resonated with me in my core and woke me up with a reminder of what I really am. This sentiment by Alan Watts is almost exactly the same as expressed in the words of Abraham when they say:
“Since the larger part of you already knows all of this, we see our work as reminding you of what, at some level, you already know. It is our expectation that as you read these words, if it is your desire you will be guided step-by-step to an Awakening—to a recognition of the Total You.
Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks in “The Law of Attraction”
All that is left for us to do now is to wake up and remember what we are.