I first stumbled upon this crazy little seven and a half minute video a year or so ago and was immediately struck by how many hidden messages seem to be contained within. Being a sucker for trying to figure out a good mystery, I have decided to break down the animated short here for your amusement, entertainment or just plain ridicule. Go on, call me nuts. I’m used to it. Or better yet, help me figure out all of the crazy little things I’m clearly missing. Honestly I’m missing more than I’m getting so can use some help.I recommend possibly having you watch the video for yourself first using this link below to the YouTube video.
First off the animated short appears to have originally been created anonymously by someone calling himself Heliofant although now, according to Wikipedia and even the credits at the end of the film, it is known that the author is a French Canadian man named Louis Lefebvre. The short film is supposedly some sort of social commentary on American politics, greed and the role of religion in wars and began being created in 2006 but was not completed and released until 2012.
From the very beginning I have to think that the name Heliofant means something special to the author. My friend Paul astutely observed that the word Heliofant looks to him like a play on words with the word “Hierophant” which means “a person, especially a priest in ancient Greece, who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles.” This would make a lot of sense considering the immense amount of symbolism included in the video.
Additionally, “Helio” of course is a reference to the sun or being sun-centric and “fant” is an ending that suggests “child” such as the word “inFANT” which actually comes from a French man named L’enfant. Anyway, the fake name might be taken to mean “child of the sun” which makes it interesting and already causes Christian conservatives to label the author a sun worshiper.
Also note that dot above and between the I and the O in Heliofant and the fact that the “O” is larger than the other letters. All of this has hidden meaning I’m sure though I haven’t figured it all out yet. The dot over the I for example isn’t necessary as the word is spelled in all capital letters. It is as if the author is trying to point to the “O” being perhaps the sun and the smaller dot above it being something orbiting the sun perhaps. My best guess is that the O represents the sun and the little dot perhaps represents the earth. At the end of the video the author will make this even more obvious.
The title of the short film is “I, Pet Goat II” which is a very strange name considering I have found no reference to “I, Pet Goat I” and besides, what the hell is “I, Pet Goat” supposed to mean anyway? Later in the short we will see a clue as to why the film is titled “I, Pet Goat”. It appears to be a reference to George Bush who is believed to have been reading along with Children at an elementary school the morning of September 11 and was reading from a book called “My Pet Goat”. Many have claimed that Bush was actually holding the book upside down as shown in this photo below. Some use this to show how “stupid” Bush is while others have suggested that it was a sort of subliminal or hidden message that was intended to be understood by those who were “in the know”.
In the first 10 seconds we are introduced to the film by this odd little image of goat poking it’s head out of a box with a bar code on it’s forehead. The goat appears to be locked up in some sort of camp or prison surrounded by barbed wire and floodlights. In the lower corner of the box is drawn what might be a prison guard leading a guard dog. I believe the author is depicting us, the masses, as being goats that are kept imprisoned somehow by our masters and labeled with bar codes like we are products to be bought and sold. Some have pointed out that the events of September 11th have created in America a new sort of police state with mass surveillance of every American such that we are now literally treated like animals, constantly under the spotlight and imprisoned to our masters.
Next we see the goat’s eyes suddenly turn to spirals and his head starts spinning around as if he’s being hypnotized. I believe the author is trying to suggest that those of us being imprisoned are being hypnotized and put under a spell such that we are unable to see what’s happening to us or realize that we are being put in a prison camp.
As the goat fades away and the video officially begins we are shown a pair of hands holding a puppeteer’s strings. The hands are reptilian in nature with claws and scaly skin and on the left hand the puppet master wears a ring which is in the shape of a dollar sign. Later we will see this creature better and his face even is adorned with money. I think the symbolism here is that someone is pulling the strings on our puppet and it’s all either for the love of money or being done for the love of money. As a side note, there are some David Icke who believe that there is a secret alien race of shapeshifters living among us who are reptilian in nature and secretly control the world. It may be that the author is making reference to these reptilian masters by the depictions of the hands being reptilian. Keep in mind I am not saying I believe in the reptilian master race theory but merely that the author may be making reference to it here.
When we finally come to see who is the puppet on the string we see that it is none other than George Bush wearing a dunce cap. The implication I believe being that George Bush is just a stupid little puppet for the money makers who are pulling his strings.
Next we see a spotlight turned on Bush and he literally starts tap dancing for his puppet master on queue.. The idea being of course that Bush will dance on command when the masters want him to dance. It MAY be that Bush is dancing on a black and white checkerboard floor because Freemasonry lodges are said to have a black and white checkerboard floor that represents the duality between good and evil. The entire video may be the authors depiction of the forces of good vs evil. It may also be a reference to Alice and Wonderland which that theory will be supported a little later in the video.
Bush then waggles his magic fingers as if casting a spell on the audience watching him and the screen kind of goes fuzzy as if we are being hypnotized. Again, the implication being that Bush controls the masses by manipulating us while his masters control him behind the scenes from high above.
Bush then sits down and spins around in his chair. For a brief moment we see behind him on the chalkboard a burning house on fire and a shark. Not sure what the symbolism is entirely but I’m certain it means something to the author. There is also a penis shooting semen on Bush’s head. The burning building MAY be a reference to the twin towers or the Pentagon that were set on fire on September 11, but I’m not sure. Next to that is a chalkboard game of hangman where the stick figure is nearly hanged and the word “Evolution” appears to be the word being guessed. It may be that the author is making a statement about evolution vs creationism and poking fun at Bush’s Christian conservative ideals. There is also an owl image above the map of the US (thanks Rich Ivanoff!!). The owl is a symbol of wisdom and used by many secret societies and organizations such as the Bohemian Grove.
Next we see Bush struggle to remember his famously messed up speech after September 11 which should have gone “Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.” Instead, Bush struggles to remember how it goes and says “Fool me once, shame on you…fool me, can’t be fooled again….” This of course is very close to what actually happened to Bush during a live speech to the nation after September 11 and goes to further make Bush look like a dunce or idiot. The author is either trying to make Bush look stupid or pointing out that WE were meant to view Bush as stupid when in fact it was all staged. There are clues to that interpretation soon.For a moment we are given a better view of the chalkboard behind Bush and there are a few other symbols of interest. There is a brain that appears to be split in two by a lightening bolt for example, a green dragon, a math equation that seems to say the absolute value of F = -F and a diagram of a heart. I’m still searching for the meaning of these symbols but I’m sure they mean something. One of our group noticed also there is an evolution of man poster showing man evolving up through the stage of enlightenment (thanks again Rich Ivanoff). This also seems to be a theme of the video.
Then slowly Bush’s head spins around in circles and he suddenly becomes Barack Obama. Notice that in contrast Obama appears to be smart and well educated noted by his graduation cap. In reality however, both Bush and Obama are two sides of the same coin. The puppet is still the same, it just now looks like a more educated version.
Obama then winks at us as if he’s letting us in on a little secret. The secret might be that he and Bush are just two sides of the same coin, both working for the same puppet masters or it’s trying to suggest that we are MEANT to believe Bush is dumb and Obama is smart by design. The American people are being duped by the puppet masters.
Now we see a little blonde girl on a checkerboard floor holding an apple. Behind her on the wall can be seen a distinctive white rabbit (a symbol of Alice and Wonderland). The checkerboard and the white rabbit lead me to conclude the author wants to to be thinking of Alice in Wonderland here but the apple in her hand may also lead us to think of the first “woman” Eve and the forbidden apple from the garden of Eden. Note too that Alice appears to be sitting inside of a circle on the floor of some sort. I’m not sure what that is meant to be yet but it could be a circle of protection to ward off evil as is custom in many witchcraft rituals.
Alice/Eve is suddenly cast in darkness and she drops her apple which rolls out of her circle and across the floor. For a moment we see it roll past what look like a black L and a white letter C painting on the ground and comes to rest at someones foot. I believe these could be references to Freemasonry but it could be a black “L” for lucifer and a white “C” for Christ to depict the author’s view of good vs evil.The apple spits apart and the seed of each half becomes a snake like tentacle which joins and blossoms into a pink lotus flower (a symbol of Buddhism/Hinduism). Throughout the video we will see three major world religions depicted, (Judiasm/Christianity), Islam and (Buddhism/Hinduism). The video appears to be depicting the awakening of man’s consciousness and deliverance from the three major organized religions.
Next we see Obama appearing to be terrorized of the flower for some reason and he begins to sweat nervously, perhaps he is seeing the destruction of religious fundamentalism which has been a secret of power over the masses for so long.
As Obama cowers in fear in a dark classroom now, the scene pans away from the school and we see an American flag torn in half, fluttering in the wind. Behind it we see the clock of Big Ben (a symbol of Great Britain) illuminated in the background.
As we pan out further we now see a depiction of the Twin Towers in New York on fire. America is fallen and in distress and the towers stand smoldering….
…and as we continue to watch the towers come crumbling down from the top down just like they did that fateful morning of September 11.
In the foreground a strange little figure wearing a hat and a white face mask raises it’s arms and then swan dives off an iceberg into the ocean. We will later find out that this figure is a depiction of the goddess Kali from Hinduism. Not sure what other meaning this figure has diving into the ocean but Kali is the goddess of destruction and since the towers are literally being destroyed in the background, perhaps it represents Kali having a hand in the destructive forces at play.
Next we see a boat traveling through the mist. Though it’s hard to see here, the boat has the head of Anubis on it (an Egyptian god of the dead) and is carrying one passenger who we later will find out to be Jesus. The author’s suggestion is that Jesus is coming out of Egypt or perhaps floating along in the mythical boat that carries the dead through the afterlife. This boat carrying the dead through the afterlife seems to be the meaning as shown later in the video too however, there are many legends that say that both Judaism and Christianity originated in Egypt and is actually just an Egyptian myth respun in the form of a new religion. This makes sense of course for even the Bible tells us that the Hebrew people were enslaved to Egypt before Moses delivered them from Egyptian captivity. The Egyptian ties to Christianity go much deeper and the author may be making reference to that here.
We then see a depiction of Osama Bin Laden beckoning someone to come to his shores. It is likely “Jesus” who Osama Bin Laden is welcoming or it’s America. In the sky behind him is the crescent moon of Islam. On the chest of Osama’s jacket is the emblem of an Eagle, the crest of the CIA indicating that Osama Bin Laden is a creation of or a puppet of the American Central Intelligence Agency. It is well documented that the CIA helped fund the Taliban at one time to fight the Russians and thus helped give rise to Osama Bin Laden and fund his regime. Osama’s may here be beckoning America to come aid him with money, the root of evil depicted in the short. Many believe that Bin Laden was the mastermind behind September 11. The irony here that the author is portraying is that America bought and paid for the very man who brought the towers down.
In the distance we see oil rigs drilling, an indication that the entire war in the middle east is about money and oil or just making it clear where the source of money is coming from.
Next we see the Statue of Liberty from the top down. At the base of the statue is a clear depiction of the Star of David. Many believe the United States and Israel are inseparable allies.
While the base of the actual Statue of Liberty is not exactly the Star of David, the similarity cannot be mistaken.
Next we see a human embryo spinning around in a circle until it becomes encased in an egg which a snake winds and winds around…
…all while some strange reptilian looking being or god looks down at the embryo from above.
Jesus now appears through the mist on the boat of Anubis along with a sacred heart of fire on his chest. This flaming heart is a traditional symbol of Catholicism.
Jesus is also depicted with the sacred all seeing third eye on his forehead.
We immediately shift back to the green reptilian man who’s chin is adorned with a five dollar dollar bill upside down. His skin is also green like the color of money. I almost missed this the first time as it goes by so fast. This creature may symbolize money itself and the power it has over people.
We then see a boy laying in the snow with tentacles coming out of his head. The reptilian snake like creature is attached to the end of one of the tentacles suggesting the boy’s brain is filled with thoughts of money and it is perhaps killing him.
Across the boys eyes we see the news that the stock markets have crashed as it reads “Markets Plunge”. Again, the boys life seems tied to whether money is good or bad.
Next we see a wing of stealth bombers flying overhead and bombing a mosque. I would imagine that the author is trying to depict how the love of money is the real root of holy wars between religions.
From the roof of the mosque fly a bunch of black bats or crows (not sure which and I’m not sure what the symbolism means either.
Once the birds or bats fly out of the mosque we see Jesus catching a butterfly. Seriously don’t know what he author is depicting here.
Next we see a strange scene of a woman weeping over her dead son who is wrapped in bandages at her feet. The ring around the woman’s head might suggest that she is mother Mary of Catholicism weeping perhaps over her son Jesus. In her hand she holds a bottle of something (perhaps oil)?
We get a close up of the child as a beetle crawls across his dead face. The scarab beetle is a clear symbol of Egypt. One eye is blackened.
Next we see some dark skinned person with a skull and crossbones tattoo on his arm appearing to give a gift of a gun to a tribal boy or girl. It may be a girl as it appears she MAY be pregnant and the ribbon is tied around her belly or it’s the gun that appears to be gift wrapped, I’m not sure. This part confuses me a bit. I may just be depicting how money will fund even primitive tribes with weapons to kill each other with so we can make money.
The pink lotus flower from earlier in the video floats down a yellow river of some sort in which a man holding a hammer and sickle is drowning. I’m not sure the symbolism. Perhaps it is a reference to Russia and the authors depiction of the downfall of Communism. This makes sense since the next scene is also depicting a communist nation. I’m not sure his tattoo might also hold some hidden meaning.
Next we see a line of tanks depicted with teeth like monsters approaching a girl waving a red flag. Here is a clear feeling of the famous Tienanmen Square episode in world history.
A skeleton type creature grabs the girl from behind and we see that she’s wearing an outfit with a Chinese tiger on it further tying the above image to the Tienanmen Square incident.
When the girl turns around we see the skeleton creature looks a lot like a mardis gras type costume and fireworks are going off behind him. The skeleton is even blowing a paper kazoo like a party toy.
Jesus is then depicted floating along in his Egyptian boat, his eyes always closed as if he’s in a dream state (or dead as the boat appears to be floating along the river carrying the dead from the afterlife). We can see more clearly that he has an Egyptian pyramid on his forehead above his all seeing eye. It should be noted this is also a lot like the american dollar which has an unfinished pyramid with the all seeing eye on top only here it’s reversed.
We then see Jesus in his boat flowing through the solar system on a celestial boat consumed in fire with the head of anubis. This again suggests the boat is a depiction of the Egyptian belief that gods and kings were ferried to the afterlife via celestial boats.
A celestial Jesus now blows a ball of fire at us. Not sure why entirely.
Next we see a better view of the hindu goddess Kali, the destroyer, dancing around a fire. Note her blue skin and red tiki dot on the forehead just like Kali is depicted in Hinduism.
As Jesus floats down a river fish leap out of the water and flop into his boat at his feet.
Next we see a lighthouse in the distance. I don’t know about you but something seems a little off about this lighthouse. The snowy mountains around it take on the appearance of a man laying on his back with one knee up and the lighthouse would then be an erect penis from which light shines from the tip.
A hand appears in the heavens and directs light onto the erect penis (or lighthouse).
We know that the erect penis is to represent Christianity somehow (or Jesus) as a close up of the structure shows it is adorned at top with a christian cross and the red beating heart of Jesus pulses within. It is worthy of note, as Rich Ivanoff pointed out that in the ancient near east there are legends of a might hunter (one of which is Nimrod) who was known for his large penis. Various legends state that he had an incestuous relationship with his own mother and that after he was murdered she erected a large obelisk to represent his penis and caused people to bow down and worship before it. The tip was illuminated as the place from which the life seed comes forth. In the image above you see the light falling upon the tip specifically and the shape is that of a large obelisk. Below you can even see the tip is made to look like a penis head. There is even an Egyptian version of this tale involving Osiris and this would fit will with all the other Egyptian images.
Inside the tower we find an old naked woman…
…whom we see is bleeding from her menstrual flow. As Rich Ivanoff pointed out, the symbolism of the life giving penis coupled with a woman who is fertile but then no longer fertile suggests that the images are about the fertility god and perhaps his mother (the old woman).
as Kali dances. NONE of that makes sense to me so I’d appreciate any ideas you have.
We next see rows and rows of business men made out of clouds holding briefcases.
Then we see Jesus flying up through the cloud layer of man. Perhaps this indicates that the importance of “Jesus” will only be seen in today’s modern times.
The boy who previously had the snakes coming out of his head representing money returns now as well as the dead child below who is now dressed in white robes and looks a bit older. Notice he still has one swollen eye so we know it’s the same child but he is healed and being made alive.
Kali dances now in a mask which the mask changes several forms during the dance. Not sure why and I didn’t bother breaking down each mask because I didn’t know the significance yet.
Jesus now comes out of a cave that has this head above the cave he exits from. Perhaps this is a depiction of Jesus traveling through the land of the dead on his Egyptian boat and finally defeating death.
Jesus’ boat now floats through a river full of lotus flowers, a mixture of both eastern and western religious symbolism.
Finally Jesus opens his eyes, again perhaps symbolic of his having come out of the underworld and place of the dead and now he is alive again. Behind him we see a christian cathedral looking a lot like Notre Dame.
Behind him the cathedral begins to crumble and is utterly destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists have pointed out that the actual cathedral of Notre Dame burned after this film was made and that perhaps it was a prediction or something from someone in the know. However, the cathedral was not utterly destroyed so I doubt that was the intention. I think it depicts a future time when world religions will collapse and no longer be necessary as noted by other frames to come.
Jesus floats off toward the sun. On the horizon you can see the Egyptian pyramids in the distance.
Suddenly a ball of light comes from the sky and strikes the top of the pyramid knocking the top off. Eventually all three pyramids entirely crumble into dust perhaps signifying the end of an old age of religion.
Then the video comes to a close with a black screen and the word HelioFant. The small dot I mention in the beginning appears after a moment and slides slowly over between the I and the O with an audible grating sound of metal. The author wants us to pay attention to this though I still don’t get the meaning.
So I know this little write up had more questions and speculation than answers and may have wasted a bit of your time. However, I think there is enough here that getting it up for discussion was worth while and hope that I can edit and improve upon it over time. What are your thoughts? Do you have any ideas about some of the symbolism I’m missing? Did you get an entirely different interpretation of the film?