About Me

You might describe me as an odd little duck with an eclectic and complex assortment of personal beliefs and philosophies through which I see the world. I’m a big proponent of listening to my own intuition and often times when I see an interesting film or hear an interesting piece of music my gut instinct will be that something much deeper is being conveyed or hidden in the image or lyrics that I must discover. A lot of this blog is about those such moments.

Personally, I get a lot of pleasure out of showing someone something they haven’t seen before. I’m hoping you can experience the fun of catching something new with me in a song or video you may love but never knew had a hidden deeper meaning or a tidbit of information about something you might not have caught behind a popular news story. I invite you therefore to come see the world through my eyes for a while. My hope is that you will find that you enjoy seeing things a little differently.

Former Christian

I identify myself in many ways. One of which is that of a former Christian. I was born and raised in a Seventh Day Adventist home and attended private schools until the completion of junior high. During my high school years I drifted away from my conservative upbringing and studied the doctrines of other more liberal Christian denominations at length. In my mid twenties, my father become a pastor for the Adventist Church as I myself drifted further away from my family’s doctrinal beliefs. Ultimately I decided to leave the church I’d grown up in and study on my own, as free from bias or family influence as possible.

My early personal studies focused primarily on ancient Hebrew and ancient near eastern religious texts with a particular interest in how modern Christianity has been corrupted by “pagan” influences to the point that the religion no longer resembles what the original founders once believed. For seven years, I studied very deeply various forms of Messianic Christianity and Judaism, observing the annual festivals of the Bible as closely as possible. At one point I facilitated lively group discussions online via PalTalk regarding the pagan origins of Christianity and wrote a poorly edited book from my discussions on the influence the so called apostle Paul had on changing the religion into something unrecognizable to early believers. Some of that information will likely end up getting shared here on this blog.

Occult Influences

Eventually my personal studies branched out into what some might call esoteric and/or occult (hidden) writings of various “learned masters.” Now when I say “occult” I want to be clear that I do not mean “evil”as the word often is interpreted today but rather I mean “hidden” or untaught to the masses. My interest in this area began with reading so called “extra” biblical books such as the Book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees, and others and later developed into a casual study of Kabbalah (so called Jewish mysticism) as well Gnosticism, Hermeticism, astrology, and various western spinoffs. I plan to share a lot of my thoughts on that in this blog as well.

Eastern Philosophy

A couple of years ago my personal studies seriously shifted to a more eastern persuasion. I began to appreciate more the intuitively obvious tenants of both Buddhism and Hinduism (minus the gods of course) as well as eastern philosophical thinking. Today, if I HAD to put a label on it, I would classify myself more as a Gnostic Buddhist with a deep passion for learning and continual growth. I find Gnosticism (an early form of Christianity) to be a nice compliment to my newer eastern philosophical understanding and find that it helps bridge the gap between my western and eastern mind.

My greatest passion is in sharing new discoveries with others and helping to explain complex concepts in easy to understand terms.


In my later years I find myself much deeper spiritually than ever before in my life. I feel more connected with all people and fear my fellow man less and less. I have been blessed to have met and married an amazing woman who compliments me spiritually and for whom I believe she knows me from another life (whether or not she has any memory of that or not). I’ve seen her inner spirit look at me from behind her eyes and knowingly wink at me. We’ve known each other longer than either of us remember and that’s an incredible feeling.

I feel as if I’m slow dissolving the false walls of separation between us all (you vs me, us vs them, and what I see as petty differences over religion, politics, etc). Those beliefs are not who we REALLY are, neither is our name who we really are. We have merely identified with those things and falsely believe it is the real us. I am continually seeking to shake this false ego and come to better understand what I truly am.

My father became enamored with a phrase before his passing that I have now come to adopt for myself. I consider myself spiritual, but not religious. Therefore on my blog you will not find me espousing any one religion over another. Rather, I will discuss the philosophical and spiritual merits of all religions and what I see as their truths and shortcomings.

Conspiracy Theorist

Almost for as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with knowing truth and an overwhelming negative reaction to being told a lie. I have come to believe that by and large authorities lie to the people. This goes for the media, our education system, our religious systems, our governments and pretty much any and all forms of authority. It is just easier to control the masses if the masses do not know the real truth. Even better if we can be sold a convenient lie or simple version of the truth that you want them to believe. Knowledge IS power and if you keep the knowledge from the masses you keep the power.

Because I generally distrust authority, I tend to start digging when I smell bullshit. Many people do not. That’s something I hope will make this blog interesting for you. For example, the majority of American’s don’t believe the official version of the JFK assassination nor do I imagine most American’s buy the notion that Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in his jail cell recently. It’s easier to just accept the official story and move on. Who has time to look into something that ultimately you know you can’t do anything about anyway? Well, sometimes I make time to do a little digging and when I do, I plan to share a few tidbits with you here.

A Few Other Crazy Things About Me

In addition to all the above I’ve also got an interested in the paranormal, ufology, metaphysics, astrology, music, TV, movies and so much more. Like I said in the opening paragraph, this blog is an eclectic and complex assortment of personal beliefs and philosophies through which I see the world.

Welcome to my world!