Intuitive Reading

Intuitive reading means that the tarot card reader pays less attention to the traditional/historical meaning of a tarot card and listens first and foremost to what the card is telling them in their gut (i.e. intuitively). Often when a card is flipped over for an intuitive reader they will have an immediate connection to the card and an immediate initial thought pops into their head. This first thought or first impression may have little to do with the traditional/historical meaning of the card and instead comes from something inside of them that is connecting with the images on the card. Intuitive readers believe that the universe speaks to us all the time through symbols and images thus the reader allows those images to connect with them to give them a sense of the meaning. It is my belief that ALL good tarot readers rely primarily on intuitive connections with the cards. A few however, like to stick to the traditional/historical meaning of the cards rather than interject their own gut feelings. My readings come first and foremost from an intuitive perspective however, knowing the traditional/historical meaning of the card sometimes helps me when the meaning is unclear or when the traditional meaning enhances my gut intuition.