All the hubbub lately has been about whether or not the newly revealed United States Space Force Logo is a rip off of Star Trek’s Starfleet Academy logo. To me at least, that part is obvious. Of course it’s a rip off of the Starfleet Academy logo. I mean look at it! How can you NOT see the similarities? And regardless of whether or not the delta symbol has been used by the Air Force for the past 13, that makes little difference. That doesn’t explain away the massive similarities in the two logos.

But the REAL question for people like me is, is there any hidden symbolism in this logo that we’re all missing? Like what about those star clusters? I got a little excited when I read somewhere that the constellation in the log looks a little like the Pleiades (or seven sisters) constellation. That would have been very interesting. Unfortunately I can’t find a single confirmation of this as no official explanation has been given. In fact, it turns out this logo wasn’t even officially ready to release as they were still working on the copyright violation potential.
For the record, this is what the Pleiades constellation supposedly looks like. I’m horrible at seeing this stuff and SORT of see it in the constellation in the lower right of the logo above. Or maybe if you rotate it a little? But maybe it’s not really supposed to be anything at all. Worse off, now I can’t even find the original story I read suggesting that it was so I can’t ask for clarification.

And so, this is sort of the blog post that never was. I mean, I’d like there to be a big story here. I’d like to go on and on about “why Pleiades” or why NASA names their newest supercomputer Pleiades. It certainly would make an interesting story. But alas, I feel I should wait to confirm which constellations are actually depicted (if any) in the image. Do you have any guesses? Is it just random?