Thanks for peeking at the top line of my blog post on Facebook today. It is always helpful if you click the thumbs up button to let me know if you actually read it or even better leave a comment. I do get notified when someone has “seen” my post but not sure what that means. I don’t know if you really read it or what exactly you had to do to mark it “seen”. A thumbs up lets me feel you took the time to check it out and helps motivate me to share again. Thanks also to those who do this or have left comments in the past. Even a simple response makes me feel like I’m not just talking to myself.
- Tracking (and therefore getting credit) for doing work has been a lot easier for me since getting Rocketbook. I have really enjoyed the feel of the pen on rocketbook paper and take a lot more notes now. Also, being able to take a picture of my notes and have it automatically sent to my email where I can edit it and save a date/time stamped copy of my notes is awesome.
- I have formally requested and been granted approval by upper management to return to our Sequim office after over a year. My first trip back to Sequim should be sometime around early May and I’m looking forward to yet another step towards getting back to “normal” routines.
- This week is patch week where a ton of patches from Microsoft comes out and thus I have to spend a lot of time patching computer resources all week long. This is typically a busy week with me as I do a lot of burning DVD’s and installing things on various systems.
- Rhonda and I are starting to set up new fish tanks in our house. We have a nice new tank arriving this week (I believe) and Rhonda’s old large tank is now set up in our bedroom as well as a hospital tank in her office. We’ve been having fun doing light chemistry experiments to get both the bedroom tank and hospital tanks ready for saltwater fish. The main tank will be saltwater and located in the livingroom while eventually the bedroom tank will be converted to freshwater fish. The hospital tank will be for saltwater fish that need to be separated for whatever reason. We are still weeks away at least from having our first saltwater fish I think as we have to get the tanks cycled so the ammonia/bacteria levels stay safe for fish.
- I’ve been listening to the audiobook “A Convenient Death” about Jeffery Epstein’s murder (I mean alleged suicide). It hasn’t been shocking or particularly eye opening but it has reinforced the likelihood that Epstein’s death was sure “convenient” for a lot of people and thus likely a murder.
- I’ve been fully vaccinated with the Johnson and Johnson one-shot Covid vaccination and this weekend we got Rhonda vaccinated with the same shot as well. Unfortunately to get her shot, we had to schedule an appointment in Quincey, Washington which was going to be a 2.5 hour drive each way. Due to snow and wrecks it was actually about 3.5 hours each way, so LOTS of driving. The only positives are that now she’s vaccinated and should be “fully” vaccinated in a couple weeks and I got a lot of hours to listen to audio books in the car. Oh, and we got to swing through Wenatchee and visit our friends Duane and Shirley too!
- Now that more and more people are getting the vaccine and the CDC is telling us that people who are vaccinated should feel free to mingle without social distancing or masks with other vaccinated people, Rhonda and I are throwing our first “Vaccination Celebration” board/card game night in a couple weeks. We decided to make our game night open only to those who have been vaccinated and can show proof of vaccination upon request. We set the met up on Sunday morning and by Sunday evening it was full. Everyone is chomping at the bit to get back together again with real people.
- Last week I spent a lot of time listening to the Derek Chauvin trail while I worked. This week is proving to be more difficult so I may not be able to keep up as much as I’d like. I have lots of thoughts on the Chauvin trial so if you want to chat about this topic, hit me up on private message or text.
Spiritual or Philosophical
- On our very long road trip to Quincy, Washington and back this weekend, I decided I was in the mood to listen to another book from the Law of Attraction (LoA) founders, Esther and Jerry Hicks. Once again I was blown away by the intuitively obvious and simple “truths” of LoA and it created in me again a thirst to devour everything I could get my hands on regarding LoA. This lead me to re-download the foundational book The Law of Attraction and start listening to it again which led me to remember with Seth Speaks materials I’ve only scratched the surface of as well as the Law of One series I discovered a while back. Suddenly my thirst for knowledge and putting these things into PRACTICE has been re-awakened and I’m energized to start my spiritual practices again.
- One such spiritual “practice” I want to re-engage is meditation. I’d like to say I’m a big believer in the value of meditation and yet this sounds hypocritical due to the fact that I seldom take the time to actually meditate. If I truly believe in it’s value, why am I not making it a REGULAR practice. During the Law of Attraction audio book listening this morning it was mentioned that Esther and Jerry Hicks were guided to do meditation and had done so daily, without fail, for over nine months before something major happened. One thing I know about myself is I don’t stick with anything for nine months. The idea of doing ANY daily practice for nine months seems impossible to me and because of that I’m reminded that I probably don’t get the insights I am looking for because I don’t stick with anything long enough for it to bear fruit. So today I’m working on changing my attitude about meditation such that carving out 15 minutes a day becomes a priority for me.
- In addition to the daily meditation I am reminded that I have some sort of affinity or connection with tarot cards that has proven to me to be more than mere random chance. In other words, tarot seems to be doing SOMETHING for me when I do readings though I’m not sure exactly what. Once again I’m reminded that it’s likely I don’t see what it’s doing because I don’t spend enough time with it. I’m so A.D.D. that I try something for a little while and, if I don’t see immediate results, I move on to something new. I do not take the time to establish a “practice” of anything long enough for it to really bear fruit. So again, today I’m working on changing my attitude towards daily tarot reading and attempting to make that a priority for my spiritual development.
- As always, if any topics I mention in my blog are of interest to you, please speak up. I REALLY seek actual conversations with human beings who have thoughts and insights to share. I’m frustrated with superficial conversations about work and weather where no one really takes time to try and know each other on a deeper level. I want to know YOU on a deeper level. Please share your thoughts!