This article examines a few of the primary reasons why a large number of people tend to believe that Bill Gates actually created the Novel Coronavirus (commonly known as COVID-19) and helped unleash it upon the world in November of 2019. This is NOT an article trying to PROVE that the Coronavirus is fake nor suggest that it isn’t real. Nor is this an article trying to PROVE that it was created in a lab and unleashed on the world as a sort of government experiment or global conspiracy against the people to reduce the world population or implement vast government control. Rather, the purpose of this article is simply to demonstrate WHY a large number of people tend to believe those things and examine whether any of their beliefs hold any real intellectual weight.
But, first things first.
If you are going to read this blog post please be respectful and read very carefully what I’m actually saying, and more importantly what I am NOT saying. I realize that the whole COVID-19 pandemic is a serious situation and I realize that many people out there feel violently reactive to anyone or anything that suggests that it is fake or is not really killing people. When you read this article you MAY be inclined to think I’m one of those people and immediately get angry. For the record, I am not saying people should not wear their masks in public. I am not saying people should resist the government when they issue stay at home orders. I am not advocating violence in any way. We do not need any more rage and anger in this country so if the topic of Coronavirus conspiracy theories makes you personally feel outraged and angry than this article may not be for you. This article is not designed to incite rage and anger, but rather to try and appeal to critical thinkers as something to think about and consider, free from emotional baggage.
Now let’s begin
For the purpose of this article the evidence begins when Bill Gates, then still on the Board of Directors at Microsoft, spoke at the Munich Security Conference on March 18, 2017 and announced that the next global epidemic could be a highly contagious form of the flu that could kill upwards of 30 million people. The Novel Coronavirus is in fact a highly contagious form of the flu and, while the number of deaths up to this point are still about 1.5 million worldwide, estimates are that the death toll will get significantly higher before we turn the corner.
The following year on October 18, 2019, well before COVID-19 was discovered, a simulated exercise known as “Event 201, A Global Pandemic Exercise” was conducted by John Hopkins Center for Health and Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Event 201 was a three and a half hour tabletop exercise that simulated the world response to a global pandemic outbreak. It included pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff briefings,” and moderated discussions on topics related to a global pandemic. (source:
“Event 201” published a highlight reel of their exercise on November 4, 2019 just two weeks before the first reported patient to have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was announced. For the record, the first reported case of COVID-19 was believed to have originated on November 17, 2019.
In the write-up following the Event 201 exercise it was published that:
“The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering.”
Of course today we are watching the world economy being rocked by mass shutdowns, stay at home orders, and indeed are experiencing the cascading economic consequences on a global scale. So, it is interesting to think about how this was all discussed well before the outbreak.
Bill Gates Leaves Microsoft to Work On Vaccines
On Friday the 13th, March 2020, Bill Gates quietly stepped down from his position on the board of director at Microsoft just before the Coronavirus epidemic really started to skyrocket in the United States. The real devastating impacts of COVID-19 started to hit the US in March 2020. Bill Gates said that he was stepping down off the board of Microsoft to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities”.
Bill Gates was further quoted as saying:
“My retiring from the public boards was not related to the epidemic but it does reinforce my decision to focus on the work of the Foundation including its work to help with the epidemic.” –
Quote attributed to Bill Gates when asked about stepping down from the Microsoft board.
Gates “Philanthropic Priorities”
In an interview with Bill Gates (video provided at the end of the article) he had the following to say about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s work and purpose:
“Our Foundation works on infectious diseases. We are the biggest funder of vaccine work. We understand how to make vaccines in volume…” – Bill Gates.
So here then is the beginning of all those “crazy conspiracy theorists” and why they have started to raise eyebrows. According to Bill Gates himself, his foundation is the biggest funder of vaccine work and specializes in making vaccines in volume (like say vaccinating the entire world).
He goes on to say that:
“…understanding how to make new vaccines and make them in quantity is what we are doing all the time…” Bill Gates.
Then Bill Gates states that his foundation is working with “some other governments” to work on new vaccine platforms.
“….our foundation, and some other governments, did work on some new vaccine platforms that are being accelerated here during this epidemic.” –
Bill Gates
I’m not sure what “other governments” means but I presume it means governments that are not the United States. In addition, it sounds like work was already begun on some vaccines that is now being accelerated due to the epidemic. So again, Bill gives room for concern to conspiracy theorists when he admits to working with other governments to fund vaccine research.
Bill then admits that his Foundations is working closely with “the vaccine companies” (like pretty much all of them?).
“..we are working closely with the vaccine companies to make the vaccines. They’re the ones…although it’s probably 18 months or so… they’re the ones who can really get things back to where we’re not worried about large public gatherings.”
Bill Gates
Then Bill makes a prediction:
“Probably two of the vaccines will be the ones we go ahead with.”
Bill Gates .
Perhaps coincidentally, in November 2020, just after the US presidential election, exactly two new major vaccines were identified as being approximately 95-98% effective at preventing COVID-19.
Bill Gates also admits that his foundation is directly involved with the national response to COVID.
“We’ve talked to a lot with agencies including CDC and NIH about how we can work together on the vaccine…and our team has experts in vaccines and works with Dr. Faucci and his team and I think we’ve got a very common message about the work that needs to be done there.” –
Bill Gates
Bill’s primary question for his Foundation was:
“How do you connect to the vaccine companies? What money could you give them in advance that would reduce the 18 months that we’re having to deal with now?” –
Bill Gates
Is there a Profit Motive?
Forbes recently reported that Bill and Melinda Gates have given away more money — over $29 billion — than anyone in the history of humankind and was awarded the Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award for Philanthropy. Interestingly enough, while Bill Gates reportedly gave away more money than any other human being on the face of the planet and is admired for it, his own personal net worth never dropped. It has been reported that Bill Gates gave away $35 billion in one year but his personal net worth didn’t drop a bit. In other words, he’s not losing money when he gives his money away so what is offsetting the donations?
It also interesting for critical thinkers to note that The World Health Organization (WHO) did not announced the coronavirus as a global pandemic until the day AFTER Bill Gates made a very large donation to a cause that benefits WHO. Bill had publicly wished for some time before that that the WHO would declare the coronavirus as a pandemic but they did not do so until Bill Gates made a very large donation to one of their causes.
It is reported that over the past decade, Bill Gates has become the World Health Organizations second biggest donor, secondly only the United States government and just above the United Kingdom in terms of donations. Critics say that in essence, the World Health Organizations priorities have become Bill Gate’s priorities.
Bill Gates was reported to have provided funding for factories all over the world to produce at least 7 new coronavirus vaccines. Bill Gates had this to say about which vaccines will be selected to be distributed globally.
“So for example, of all the vaccine constructs, the seven most promising of those….even though we’ll end up picking at most two of them… we going to fund factories for all seven.. and just so that we don’t waste time in serially saying which vaccine works and then building the factory… because to get to the best case, that people like myself and Dr. Fauci are saying is about 18 months, it will be a few billion dollars we’ll waste on manufacturing for the constructs that don’t get picked because something else is better. But a few billion in this situation we’re in, where there’s trillions of dollars…that’s a thousand times more… [sentence was not completed in the video I watched]” –
Bill Gates
While I did not get to hear the end of that sentence in the video I reference above, the point should be clearly made. Yes, Bill Gates stands to lose a few billion dollars funding some vaccines that may not ultimately be selected as the final distribution candidate but considering that there are TRILLIONS of dollars to be made by his own admission (and he emphasizes for those who may not understand the enormity of profit by saying “that’s a thousand times more”), those few billion dollar losses are a drop in the bucket.
Perhaps, some might argue, this is why Bill Gates stated:
“It’s so important not to just get hundreds of millions but literally billions of those vaccines because this is a global problem.”
Bill Gates
When asked if life will ever be the same after this pandemic, Bill Gates had this to say:
“Not for some time. Everybody who’s lived through this will view this as a dramatic, scary part of their life and it will effect their concerns and how they look at things for the rest of time.” –
Bill Gates
Further Bill says:
“The awareness of this as a threat, and probably the biggest threat, to kill tens of millions of people, that will be permanently embedded.” –
Bill Gates
And, on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Bill Gates was interviewed and said,
“It is fair to say that things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.” –
Bill Gates
So to summarize, this particular global pandemic will be permanently embedded in the memory of this generation for their rest of their lives. In other words, next time they say a global pandemic may be on the rise and they have a vaccine to prevent it, the world will likely jump on board very quickly. No wonder then that perhaps this will be known as the “Decade of Vaccines” (this will make more sense in a little bit).
Who’s Directing the COVID response?
A Washington Post Op-Ed article posted March 31, 2020 reported that Bill Gates made the following statement,
“This is a recipe for disaster. Because people can travel freely across state lines, so can the virus. The country’s leaders need to be clear: Shutdown anywhere means shutdown everywhere. Until the case numbers start to go down across America – which could take 10 weeks or more – no one can continue business as usual or relax the shutdown. Any confusion about this point will only extend the economic pain, raise the odds that the virus will return, and cause more death.”
Washington Post Op-Ed, March 31, 2020
Days later on April 3, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci says “We need a nationwide lockdown and we need it now.” On CNN with Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Fauci was asked why some states were not going along with lockdowns and whether everyone needs to be on the same page. Fauci responded, “I think so and I don’t understand why that’s not happening. As you said, the tension between Federally mandated vs states’ rights to do what they want is something I don’t want to get into but if you look at what’s going on in this country I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is the head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Dr. Fauci has sat on the board of at least two different Gate’s Foundation initiatives including one titled “The Decade of Vaccines”. This is a very interesting title for an initiative. How did they know this was going to the “decade of vaccines”?
The NIAID, which Dr, Fauci runs, has partnered with the Cambridge Massachusetts Biotech firm, Moderna. Moderna has received 25 Million dollars in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPRA) to develop a vaccine using Messenger RNA (mRNA). Moderna is also backed by the Gates Foundation to develop vaccines using messenger RNA. These donations are made even though Moderna admits that there has never before been a commercial product utilizing mRNA approved for use.
Bill Gates has come out supporting new methods for testing for Coronavirus such as:
“There’s also been some progress on more efficient testing methods, such as the self-swab developed by the Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network, which allows patients to take a sample themselves without possibly exposing a health worker. I hope this and other innovations in testing are scaled up across the country soon.” –
quote attributed to Bill Gates.
It should be noted that The Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network is funded by “Gates Ventures” (the private office of Bill Gates) and receives technical guidance from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In other words, Bill Gates can make profit from endorsing the methods of the Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network.
In summary, one might see why those who spend the time following Bill Gates could conclude the following.
He announced before stepping down from Microsoft that he anticipates a global flu like pandemic coming soon.
He participated in a tabletop exercise about how the world would respond to a global pandemic before COVID-19 is discovered.
He donated a large sum of money to the World Health Organization who then promptly declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.
Meanwhile the Gates Foundation donates mass funds towards vaccine research with the goal of identifying one or two vaccines that can be distributed to the entire world.
Bill Gates admits that in the short term he may lose a few billion dollars but pushing out a global vaccine means profits in the TRILLIONS of dollars.
Now that just sounds like good investment strategy!
Is there More?
The above article does not even touch on the subject of why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations donated half a million dollars to Wuhan University in China in November 2018. This was one year prior to the outbreak of Covid in Wuhan, China). (source: