XCOM Diaries S1:E7

On the mission I sent the usuals: Sergeant Michael Handorf, Sergeant Rich Ivanoff, Lieutenant Shannon Crow, Lieutenant Burk Dowell and Sergeant Ron Johnson. The two new suits of armor went to my top soldiers who always find themselves on the front lines, Lieutenants Shannon Crow and Burk Dowell.

The craft went down in heavily populated area so my soldiers will have be careful on their approach and tactics. The team moved forward quickly and silently approaching the craft and the fight was almost immediately on as two Thin Men advanced on the team.

Lieutenant Burk had the best shot on a Thin Man and took it, dropping one quickly. The second Thin Man bolted from cover and Lieutenant Crow took a shot and missed. Sergeant Handorf however, did not miss, killing the second alien with a barrage from his heavy weapon.

The team took a moment to reload all their weapons and hold position and then, as one, they moved forward. Just as they are approaching the craft, two floaters came out on their right flank forcing the team to reposition and dig in. The floaters advanced and Sgt. Handorf, Lt. Dowell, Sgt. Johnson and Sgt. Ivanoff all managed to take opportunity shots but all four of them missed! Sergeant Handforf then unleashed a PERFECTLY placed shredder rocket and obliterated both floaters.

With the immediate threats eliminated, the team reloaded again before advancing. The team advanced again, finally reaching the craft. It was time to breach and the team could hear activity inside. This was a butt clencher moment. It’s go time!

What I presume was the ship captain, an energy being of some sort, rushed out a side door and came around the side of the team out front, flanking them. Sergeant Ivanoff took the first crack at it but missed. Lieutenant Dowell took the second shot and missed. Fortunately, Sergeant Ron Johnson dropped it with a perfectly placed third shot. Suddenly the team realized it was clear. Five aliens dead, no casualties.

The after action report looks like this

Sgt. Johnson , three missions and three kills. Based on his bravery today I decided to promote him to Lieutenant. He requested to be trained in the skill of suppressing fire and I readily agreed.

Sgt. Rich Iavanoff, six missions and six kills. He’s do for a promotion very soon but I’m waiting for a special moment.

Lt. Crow and Sgt. Handford each have now seven missions with eight kills. Hanford has really been proving himself as of late so I decided to promote him to Lieutenant. He’d like to be equipped with HEAT ammo that deals more effectively with robotic units. I of course agreed.

Finally, Lt. Dowell now as an incredible seven missions with twelve kills. Seems he’ll be due for a promotion very soon as well.

On the positive side, with the scraps recovered from this mission I was able to make some sales on the grey market and get enough funds together to buy another three suits of Carapice armor. Next time all my soldiers will be better equipped. Unfortunately I don’t see the money coming available to put up more satellite so we may lose some council funding. I fear that missing funding this month is going to just put is into a never ending downward cycle.