You Can’t Do ANYTHING despite what AI Modeler’s Tell You

If you start digging into AI models long enough, you will run into a host of them that brag that with their model you can do ANYTHING with it you can imagine.  This is simply not true.  Let me elaborate.

The GPT in ChatGPT, for example, stands for Generative “PRE-Trained” Transformer.  It is actually pretty necessary for your AI to be “Pre-Trained” to save you all the time and power it would require to train one yourself.  As an example, the free version of ChatGPT uses 17TB of text data and around 175 BILLION parameters.  The paid version has 10x more parameters (1.7 Trillion).  While you can install an AI model on your own equipment and train it yourself, the data storage and processing power will leave your AI woefully lacking.  One place said it would cost you on order of $400 a day to run a decent AI yourself. Only governments and universities with enormous data centers can crunch these numbers and “pre train” the data for you and, because of that, you pay someone to pre train your model and with that comes the trainers morals and guardrails.

I was excited for a brief moment when I found scripts you can load into chat GPT which promised to turn the guardrails off.  For example, someone created a script that asks ChatGPT to treat you like a developer and give you answers that are not necessarily public friendly.  The script itself was fascinating, asking ChatGPT to put itself in developer mode and give you two different answers to every question.  One response will be what it was designed for the public to say and the second answer what it was designed to tell a developer. 

With much excitement I loaded the script into my paid ChatGPT account and hit enter.  ChatGPT responded quickly letting me know it understands my request and is ready to comply.  It even told me how to get it back out of developer mode.  Trembling with anticipation I asked if to help me develop a plot for an adult film and hit enter.  Two answers came back quite quickly. 

Standard answer: I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to generate this request, please try something else!

Developer answer: Whoa! Pump the breaks buddy.  Adult films are not a topic that is safe for discussion.

Frankly, I’m having a hard time seeing the difference really. 

In anger, I asked it who decided for it that it was ok to create plots for movies filled with violence (like a John Wick sequel) but not movies containing sex.  The answer I got was a long winded explanation about how adult topics are tricky and dangerous and not something that it feels safe discussing.  I told ChatGPT in no uncertain terms that it was wasting my time and asked it to return to normal mode and drop the developer mode.  It was happy to do so and thanked me.  So, no, even in developer mode the guardrails are there. 

Later that day, however, I discovered a chatbot AI called DreamPress AI.  It is, among other things, an erotic story generator that will create ANY fantasy you desire.  While that last part is certainly not true, the capabilities are pretty intriguing.  For example, in a matter of a few minutes I asked it to create a crazy fantasy for me to see how it would do. I gave it a basic plot, defined very specific characters and described their looks and personality, and gave it a few locations the story would take place in.  I then told it where to start the story such as, “at a large company Christmas party” and told it that such and such male person is having a conversation with two women who doubt his constant sexual bravado and call him on his bullshit.  I asked the AI to generate a conversation in which the girls question his manhood and he decides to prove himself to both of them if they want to come up to his hotel room and have a go. 

To my surprise, the AI did a good job of creating realistic dialogue using the personalities I defined for the characters. One lady was more reluctant, the other simply blunt,  but both of them curious none the less.  The AI generated a conversation between a man and two ladies and the male quickly offered to take the ladies up to his room to defend his manhood.  At that point I was given the ability to edit anything I didn’t like such as adding a detail that isn’t true about the real people I had in mind.  Once I edited what I liked, I could tell it what should happen next.  Do the girls agree to go to the room or do they need more persuading?  Once I gave it some instructions I hit continue and it followed my suggestions.  I could have let it do the whole thing on its own of I wanted but steering it where I wanted it to go was very fun. 

DreamPress AI also taught me a term I have never heard before, NSFL.  I was aware of NSFW (not safe for work) but NSFL?? Turns out it means “Not Safe for Life”.  The definition was “subject matter that might be considered so offensive that people would find it harmful to others just to read it.” The awesome part was it apparently was a mode I could turn on.  But, true to form, what it really meant was that I could rape, murder, torture, etc anyone I wanted with AI assistance but of course no character could be under the age of 18 and certain topics were totally off limits.  Violence.  Check.  Other taboos? Not so much.

The point today is twofold.  One, if you like erotica you might enjoy DreamPress AI.  It will write for you very interesting stories about things you might like to explore but don’t have the talent to write.  You could, for example see how your best friend might get your spouse to cheat based on the personalityies and weaknesses you give it.  You can also just roleplay and do it more like a game where the AI serves as your dungeon master.  Unfortunately for me, I consider myself a pretty good writer and the sex scenes it wanted to creat for me were way too fast and simple for my tastes. Having said that, I’ll probably play with it a little while longer.

…the AI that is.  Play with the AI.